Saturday, 28 March 2009

Spring bursting out all over - in purple

Last weekend was the most glorious weather. I had my mother in law staying (it being mothering Sunday) so not as much actual gardening done as could have been, but a very happy couple of hours spent going round and discussing every plant. It is from her that I have learnt the Latin plant names over the years.

Spring bursting out in purple:

Periwinkle (Vinca Major) growing under the yew tree

Must get some of the less rampant Vinca Minor so I can enjoy the flowers elsewhere in the garden!

Labrador Violet (Viola labradorica 'Pururea') growing under the Hellebore at the corner of the pond

The leaves of this shade loving violet age to a deep purple/green. It self seeds happily, some would say a bit too happily but I have not found it a problem. It's not as if it is difficult to pull up if I discover it has jumped a flower bed or two. Did spot it being sold in a pot at a garden centre a year or so back - felt like leaving a note telling whoever was tempted to buy it come and get some plantlets from me!

Crocus 'Ruby Giant' in the bed at base of trellis around tank.

Cheating slightly - this photo was taken a couple of weeks ago. Although one of the last crocus' in bloom it is now over.

Hellebore Orientalis in bloom

The same clump that was featured in an earlier post!


It always takes me slightly by surprise when rosemary blooms in spring. Use the flowers as an edible decoration for rhubarb fool.

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