Monday, 16 March 2009

Clean dog and greenhouse

The weather yesterday turned out to be as promised and then some. If I hadn't been tackling pruning of the rose 'The fairy' I would have been in shorts! Made the most of the warmth and washed the dog and also the greenhouse - using different washing solutions for each of course! The dog now smells neutral and the greenhouse is ready for seed sowing to commence.

Frog and the first set of spawn (excuse the glare from the water)

Going to have to think quickly about how to protect the frog spawn from the fish (see Saturdays post). At the start of the day the first clump of frog spawn had been produced - see photo above. By the end of the day it had been significantly added to. My work on the border along the back wall of the house, which was my main gardening activity yesterday, was accompanied by a frog chorus and then some. They are still going today, and probably will do so for at least another week.

Dwarf daffodil in front of Spirea Goldflame which is beginning to show its colourful leaves

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