Sunday, 29 March 2009

Moving and dividing

The forecast for last night was for a heavy frost. Thankfully this didn't happen in this part of Wiltshire. The neighbour's Magnolia flower buds are safe for a bit longer! After strong bitter northerly wind yesterday, today was brilliant sunshine and a light breeze.

Tulip 'Fur Elise' - small early tulip in the main bed

The yellow stemmed dogwood finally moved to where the Mahonia Japonica 'Charity' used to be. (starting and final location will be easier to understand later on, if you happen to be following this blog).

As with all such moves it sparked off a chain move reaction. Geranium pheum, Knautia and Rudebkia needed to be lifted prior to the dogwood being dug up. These then needing splitting and moving to.... oh that bit of ground needs to be dug over first ...and that plant moved etc etc

Headline movers/dividers:

Stipa Gigantea ('feather grass' or 'quaking' grass) failed to plume last year: now split into 4 and put into pots of general compost in the greenhouse for each, hopefully, new plant to establish. It is joined by Japanese Painted fern (on a partial move) and Hecheura Purple Plum (pieces from parent plants that are 4+ years old.

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