Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Snow is melting

... and oh boy does it expose both new growth and old. Snowdrops are beginning to bloom but some of them are hidden by old leaves I should have removed at the end of last year. One of the 'must do jobs' for the next non work day that is fine must include cutting all of last years leaves from the hellibores various around the garden.

Copyright © C Brode 2009. All rights reserved. Please ask first.

Blog entries to follow will include:

  • Compost - in particular how I manage to compost lawn clippings

  • Bird life in the garden (including pond usage)

  • Pond life – pros and cons of having fish

  • Each ornamental bed – planting plans current and future thoughts

  • Plans for vegetable plot for the year

  • Greenhouse

  • Propagation including cuttings


  1. Welcome, Mrs B, to the blogosphere. If you put a "Following" widget on, I'll be able to follow with ease, and I'm sure plenty of other people will want to do the same!

  2. Hi Louise. I must have removed that widget the day before you posted your comment! Have added it back - so go follow!
    PS Your photos on your blog are part of the inspiration for this blog


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