Saturday, 21 July 2012

Open Gardens 2012

A week has passed since the garden was open as part of the villages Open Gardens event.  We were so lucky with the weather fine and dry all day and the sun shone for the actual open hours! Nearly half as many more visitors than last year and this was reflected in the amount that was raised across all 7 gardens.

The two most asked about plants in my garden were:
Hellebore sternii

Knautia macedonia
The Hellebore loves full sun - one of the few that do - flowers in the winter through to early spring after which I cut back the old stems so the colour of the new ones shine through.. In theory it is the Blackthorn Group but is larger than height listed on the RHS height.

The Knautia starts flowering in spring and keeps going until frosts.

Although many people looked at all the plants, everyone without fail spent a large amount of time looking at and asking about the four birds of prey daughter had brought along. She was talked out by the end of the day!

Now to get some energy to go pick currants.........


  1. It was a great day. Although the birds where interesting, I do love your garden, I amm off to buy the hellebore as I type lol! Thank you so much for the fish they have settled in very well!

  2. I made a point of writing the detail on the Hellebore mainly for you :)


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